CopperCAD Design's Cadence Skill Toolbox is a collection of twenty six (27) (and growing) Skill programs tools that seek to automate tedious tasks, as well as add functions that are not available in Cadence Allegro.
AAdd AttachFile
AAdd Balance
AAdd FanOut
AAdd Keepout
AAdd RadialGrid
AAdd Teardrop
ADel Antenna
AGen Assembly
AGen BackDrill
AGen TentPlugVia
AMod BrdTidy
AMod ClineNeck
AMod FlipSide
AMod Taper
AMod Text
AQue Height
AAdd GangOpening
AAdd ShapeCopy
AAdd SymbolMarker
ACopy TestProbe
AGen NetLength
AGen Silkscreen
AMod BrdOutline
AMod ClineWidth
AMod PlaceBoundShape
AQue ClineBends
AQue Symbol
AQue TestProbe
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